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Decomposition steps for automotive axle repair

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Decomposition steps for automotive axle repair

Information sources: | Release date: 2017-11-29 | Browse volume:
Key word:Decomposition steps for automotive axle repair
When the car is up, it needs to turn. The rotation of the wheels on both sides is different. One side is faster and one side is slower. This requires a differential on the drive shaft. The differential is a device that turns the wheels on both sides at different speeds. The half shaft is connected to the differential and then connected to the wheel. In the daily life, there is a problem with the axle of the car, so it must be solved in time, otherwise it will cause unpredictable safety problems.

The car half shaft maintenance will involve its decomposition problem. The car half shaft decomposition steps are as follows:

1. Remove the half shaft from the car.

2. Remove the inner cage: Remove the two clamps on the dust cover and pull the cover onto the shaft to leave the cage.

3. If there is a protective cover, use a suitable punch to remove the protective cover from the cage.

4. Remove the circlip at the end of the half shaft.

5. Hold the lower side of the cage and push the semi-axial out.

6. Remove the dust cover and protective cover from the half shaft. If elastic washers are installed, remove them at the same time.

7. Remove the outer cage: Remove the two clamps on the dust cover and pull the dust cover onto the shaft to leave the cage.

8. Clamp the intermediate connecting shaft on the soft jaw vise and make the cage a certain angle, so that the cage star sleeve is exposed and the star of the outer cage is gently tapped with a soft metal punch. Use a rubber sleeve to directly tap the outer casing, remove it from the shaft, and remove the circlip.

9. Remove the elastic circlip from the half shaft and remove the dust cover.
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